We specialize in Polyether and Polyester Foam of various grades and specifications as per Industry Norms. These foams are perfect medium for flame and glue lamination with various normal and technical textiles or leather.
We are committed to develop foam with an idea of increasing bond strength, FR (FMVSS 302) and enhanced lamination properties. We assure uniform quality and availability all across India.
Pofoam is an extremely versaduct used in countless applications worldwide. Polyurethane's
mechanical properties can be isolated and manniippuullaatteedd tthhrroouugghh ccreative chemistry. This creates a number of unique opportunities to solve performance characteristics problems. It can have better hardness, better flexibility and better resistance .
Polyester has higher mechanical strength and is not affected by organic solvents and petroleum products. We are making it with better hydraulic stability.
Most of our foams comply to FMVSS 302 standard for this application. (We offer this for NVH Noise vibration and harshness) applications too.
The product images and price shown in the website are representative only. For actual product, pattern, colour, size and price, or any other specifications, please discuss with the sales team of Sheela Foam Limited.